Bezprotsentnye car loans can be more expensive than a conventional loan


Banks often offer interest-free loans to buy a car, without the need for an advance. However, such actions may be more expensive to the buyer a standard loan.

Many consider car loans fairly reliable way to host resources. No return on this type of loan is much less than the mortgage, as the car is less important thing to life than flat and with it so it is easier to separate.

Bank returned to the client machine, can sufficiently profitable to implement. To attract customers, many banks have launched programs to soft loans, which provide for reduced rates and the size of the first advance. There are even proposals to the lack of a down payment and zero credit rates. However, there are a variety of hidden fees and additional terms and conditions that do not allow a potential buyer use a good deal. Banks use such tricks to lure the customers.

After the bank will be taken of your documents, credit terms can greatly change. Quite often willing to take a car loan the main problem is the need to pay the down payment for the vehicle. Six months ago, the first installment of twenty-percent of the car, now some banks offer conditions from ten to fifteen percent advance and Astra Bank and PrivatBank and completely without it.

In fact, this is almost impossible to get a loan. Privatbank, such as the attractive terms can only count borrowers who have the status of reliable customers. Ordinary customers of the offer simply do not report.

The second proposal, by which banks are hoping to attract customers - a low rate. Consumer loans with zero rate are in fact more expensive than a loan with the standard conditions. Loans that seem appealing at first glance, are very expensive because of the hidden monthly rates.

However, in some cases, banks do offer zero or close to the rate of commission free. Typically, in this case is very limited term loan and an advance of at least fifty percent.

When choosing a bank should also take into account the fact that credit conditions in many of these for various car brands can vary greatly. Of course, such action is not without its banks. They compensate for lost profits showrooms. Additionally we must also take into account the benefits and limitations existing in different banks for lending to different models.

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